Help revitalize Port Orford's business corridor
in harmony with the natural beauty that surrounds us.
Port Orford Main Street formed and joined Oregon Main Street in 2009, establishing itself as a 501 (c) 3. The organization strives to make Port Orford a place that has a thriving local economy, is rich in character, and features inviting public spaces that make residents and visitors feel that they belong.
The Main Street Approach
Oregon Main Street, part of Main Street America, helps cities and towns that want to strengthen, preserve, and revitalize their historic downtown commercial districts. The program is a locally driven process following the proven Main Street Approach which is a practical and comprehensive model capitalizing on downtown’s unique assets. The goal is to build high quality, livable, and sustainable communities that will grow Oregon’s economy while maintaining a sense of place. The strategy encompasses four areas; organization, promotion, design, and economic vitality.
Involves building a Main Street® framework that is well represented by all parts of the community. Everyone must work together to renew downtown.
Creates excitement downtown. Street festivals, retail events, and image development campaigns are some of the ways Main Street® encourages customer traffic.
Enhances the attractiveness of the business district. Design improvements result in a reinvestment of public and private dollars to downtown.
Economic Vitality
Involves analyzing current market forces to develop long-term solutions.
Thank you for supporting Port Orford Main Street.
Please follow us on Facebook
and share us with all your friends.
Join us at our Meetings
5:30 PM the 2nd Tuesday
at the Visitors Center.
Things we do – You can participate
Design. artwork, planters/sitting walls/ retaining walls
Organization. grants, statistics, networking, business
Promotion. destination marketing, Main Street marketing
Economic Vitality. business help, listening sessions